Saturday, April 21, 2007

of food & good company

its 11.38pm & im darnwoopdeedoo exhausted, plus all that screaming at ICC has done some mild damage to my oesophagus a.k.a throatla.

so ICC was interesting, it would be my last one before i head for the land of kangaroos & boost, and it sure was fun cheering your friends on while they performed on stage, kudos to them for doin a uber superkalifrajelisticexpealidocious job ;) it was worth it just seeing the twins in makeup and baju kurung.

but i had a kickass time at dinner with a dear friend who was willing to drag my hungry ass all the way to KL with her family to try out this splendid joint, El Celdro. i hope i got the name right, its somewhere along the lines of thatla.

id totally give the atmosphere, food and even the german owner two thumbs waaay up (: the pork was mouth watering deliciously PERFECT, even the soup was made to satisfy even the unsatisfiable ;) and holysnot the desert was just..MMM. : ) no i am not exaggerating, it is that good.

but the thing that really got my goat, or in this case pig, was the fact that I, Koh Su Mei, had the opportunity to break plates without being yelled at, because here they actually do it intentionally! i kid you not, now if that isnt a reason to visit that place, heck i dont know what is. i am giving free publisity to the place, good samaritan i am.

apparently its tradition to chop the pig up using the plates, or soften the bones as the owner said, and then later you just smash your plates into this huge bucket along with other hundreds of smashed china. i am not the strongest person, & it took me two tries but i did it with a little help from the cheering crowd. some were laughing too but i was having fun so what the heck.

disclaimer: please dont go running around your kitchen chopping pigs up with plates & then smashing em onto the ground, i will not be held responsible for any chinaware accidents : ) arigato & goodnight world.


s.u.l.i.n.g said...

0.o break plates? THE POOR PIGS. i hope there were no cows hurt during this dining experience :(

ksm said...

yeaah break plates! its so coool che, when you come bck must mustmuuust take u there :) oh no they only serve pigs, no beef dont worry, heh ;D