Thursday, April 19, 2007

this is the story of a girl

She stood staring out at sea; watched in slight awe and trembled at the force of the crashing waves upon the rocks below her. Her sight reverted to the sharp jagged edges that seemed to stretch further & further away from her, & instinctively her feet edged closer, as if vainly trying to close the gap between them.

images & colous flashed before her eyes.

she recognized herself; gawky & awkward, shoulders hunched in defeat as she trudged through life without really living it. slowly but surely, the once exuberant teeanger transformed herself into a reclusive private loner. Once close friends were now strangers; and once close families were now distant and unfamiliar.

Suddenly she was engulfed with a familiar sensation that left her breathless; she realized it was sadness. had she really known nothing all her life but this? was this where it would end?

Her head started to spin with memories that she had tried so hard to bury but were now resurfacing again. Her feet moved a couple of steps ahead.

Almost as quickly as the sadness came, it left; and was replaced with a different unfamiliar sensation: peace. serenity. the calm that settled over her body like a drape contrasted with the roaring waves below.

with a smile and a song in her heart, she murmered a prayer. with eyes closed and arms stretched to the sides, she stood on the top of the hill, at the highest peak; the perfect picture of Chirst on the cross. her heart sang with the joy of knowing that the pain ended here; that bad memories would be buried forever.

and then without further hesitation, almost as if she were floating, she glided her way forward and effortlessly threw herself off the edge. Just before she hit the waters, an image burned in her memory floated in front of her, clear as day.

the picture of a mom, a dad, & two little girls on the beach, smiling, happy.


s.u.l.i.n.g said...

wow.. wow.. WOWWWWWWW!!

im so blown away i dont even have words to say,
this makes me rhyme so i will say,
hold fast to today,
and don't forget to pray.

God listens, He sees, He hears (: and your story was beautifully structured and every word hit my heart. it will Hit His too (: oh how He delights in you mydear. muacks.

ksm said...

aw thanks checheche : )) iloveydoveyyouuh otay <33 thanks for being there for me you rhyming person, laff.