my legs are still aching. and for some strange reason so are my arms, which shouldn't because i didn't do the kayaking. but you know what? every strain and ache in this body was so worth it :)
ill post pictures laterla, too many of them.
to start off on a super random note: my house is now filled with the meowing noises of three kittens. adorable factor that hits the roof and then some; dont ask me how i got them, its a long story :) sadly their stay with us shall remain temporary till friday. until then i will have to learn to juggle my affections between my dog and the kittys. no sweat.
some pictures that are so outdated i-dont-kn0w-what-to-say-anymore. but hey, whoever said better late than never, well, you will have to back me up. Dated from hana's birthday party, belle's christmas party, NS farewell, outings and PD. knock yourselve's out :D
HEE :D couldn't resist.
miss you so :(
and again.
zomgoodness. uploading pictures is no joke :/ i have learnt my lesson on procrastination(i think). last but definitely not least;
Everyone has started college; or has found a job.
I've accomplished something pretty impressive too.
I finished season 8 of Friends :)