Tuesday, May 20, 2008

thats how you know

you spoke the earth into motion
my soul now to stand.

honestly it feels weird to be blogging again after being AWOL for awhile :) but i guess its safe to say there is also a small part of me that has truly missed it. Although it isnt big enough to keep my blog updated, harhar.

alot has happened over the time ive been away from the blogging scene. okay maybe not that much -.-

but recently times have been getting a little rougher. i wont go into details, but i suppose everyone struggles with this at some point in their lives :)

and i suppose it is in our darkest moments, that God is really able to shine. im so glad to finally hear from the bestfriend. if youre reading this, you have no idea how much ive needed and wanted to hear from you :) you have just turned my entire day around love. <3

its funny how something as little and supposedly insignificant as an email, can have such an indescribable impact on you. the little wonders in life.
