Sunday, December 30, 2007

Another perfect day

no need to worry about everything i've done
live every second like it was your last one.

i find it extremely ironic how despite the fact that the major exam is over, im finding it harder to breathe and cope with everything that's going on more than ever now. i feel that im running out of time, im afraid of not having enough time with my family & friends.

im afraid that i would not be able to create enough memories to last me over the year i will be away; it scares me that i have to move out of my comfort zone and venture into the unknown without my friends to hold my hand.

i would be lying if i said the year 2007 passed in the blink of an eye, because truth to be told, it didn't. there were times that were so painstakingly long(mostly during history, i think) that you wished time would go by faster. however, personally when i reflect back on the year, fortunately all i remember are the beautiful times i spent with my family and friends. these are the moments that just escape by you so quickly you wish you could grab on to them.
but you can't.

as cliched as it is to write a reflective post on new years eve, it's what i want to do. the past year was undoubtedly filled with all kinds of struggles you could ever imagine. but what's important is that i got through it.

i've learnt that in the course of my 17-year-old life, it is possible to find true friends. people are so quick to judge others by the way they dress, or the way they speak. i've learnt that some people are just misunderstood, and if given the chance, they could be the best thing that's ever happen to you.

there were also unhappy moments and times of grief that struck my family. it was a rough time for all of us, and at times now, it still is. but i believe God would not put us through something we aren't capable of getting out of. and i believe that this experience has really brought my family alot closer :) so don't feel sorry for what happened to my family, because i think it's one of the greatest blessings in disguise.

so, after all the drivel i've typed out, i hoped you haven't left the page yet. or you'd probably have just skipped right to the bottom to where the pictures are :)

i know i've missed out on alot of pictures on the event's that has happened thus far after the exams. but im happy to say i have wonderful hardworking friends who complete the job for me :) here are just some random pictures.

i miss you already :( hurry home soon.

B.T.S.M :)


only she makes em this good ;)

starbucks buddies <3

my retarded buddy. :D

i realize i still have alot to catch up on. but im not too worried about it. are you? :)

Thursday, December 13, 2007

A little less sixteen candles

Happy Birthday Manjuli Madi :)

oh truly no words can express the awesome-ness of times ive had with you in these past couple of months. :) you're a true gem, and you're going to be one of the people i cannot bear to leave. i love you, and thank you for the wonderful memories you've given me.



there's a song that's inside, of my soul
it's the one that i've tried to write over & over again.
well it's been awhile :) honestly despite the seemingly enormous amount of time i was away from my blog, let's call it a hiatus, there hasn't been much that's been happening.

okay i lied. there has been alot.

but to put it to words is just simply too exhausting. frankly i dont really remember half of them. (: what i do remember is falling ridiculously sick, lying in bed wishing someone would shoot me. but for those of you who were concern to call and msg, thank yous to you, it really made my day. no, really.

tomorrow ill be leaving for the glorious Bali. its time for me to judge if Bali really is all that and more. excluding the bombing of course, that really is terrible. :/ jue&nique are already in Bangkok now, i hope you both have fun :) i miss you two very much.
no, im not sucking up because i want presents.

oh and another not-so-major-but-still-quite-important thing, yes i missed prom. i spend my entire life (most of it) dreaming of the day i would get to wear a pretty dress and actually feel pretty for once in my seventeen-year-old life, and where do i end up? yeah that'd be inhaling Vicks. but you know what? everything turned out prety okay after all. :) God does know his stuff.

i think more people read my blog when i dont actually blog. weird. and kinda funny. maybe i should stop blogging :)