Jeremiah was a bull frog,
was a good friend of mine.
was a good friend of mine.
Such a catchy song :) I like happy songs, they strike my fancy <3 plus they come in real handy when you've had it up to here (insert appropriate hand gesture) with studying.
So, life as of late has been reduced to a whirlwind of books, stale library smells and a non-existent social life. Not that I mind really, I find a certain solace in hunkering over my notes strewn haphazardly on the table, knowing that I'm surrounded by hundreds of other students doing the exact same thing. Conformity? Probably more of a last minute race to burn the midnight oil.
Another thing about libraries-table graffiti. I find it hilarious. Well some of them;
"Excuses are like assholes, everyone's got one!" (below that): "comment's like this are like assholes, and you ARE one!" (beside that): "this is why melb uni is unique, lots of assholes".
major endorphin rush. (you can tell life get's a tad sad when this is the extent of the highlight of your day.)
But there were some pretty cool stuff too; like seeing "Lyndon baines johnson-1964" and "Christine the great-1948" etched on the wooden tables. Not that I condone graffiti/vandalism, but it was pretty amazing knowing that this very same world of books and old Harry Potter-esque buildings existed in a time that preceded our generation.
There were even reality checks too! "You didn't come all the way here just to read hateful graffiti." Which was when I stopped studying my table intently and started my hunkering business.
Sometimes I've just got to keep reminding myself why I'm here, and what I've been called to do; learn to lay aside all the burdens and just do it. Come on girl, you're half way there.
'All I could see was the fog, I think if I could see the shore, I would've made it'-Florence May Chadwick, first women to swim the English channel.
you blogged! (:
did you leave your mark on any of the tables? (: write a little message!!
daphy: HEHE i plan to! (: smk-2010! <33
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