there's no other place,
that i'd rather be
that i'd rather be
Hey Dad,
Help. :'( It hurts...everywhere.
I can feel it in the little fragments of my bones; the way my whole my body shivers and trembles and how my head is leaden with weight. My eyes are so swollen I feel like I'm squinting perpetually. My toes have surpassed the point of no return and I can barely feel them, every now and then I look (well, squint) down just to check that they're still there and haven't fallen off.
Most of all, I feel pain, darting in every single direction and scorching every available surface of my heart.
But I also thank You for sisters, who graciously allow me to stumble into her room and into her arms just to sob relentlessly.
thank You for friends who stay up with me comforting, consoling, advising and humoring me until I feel like my air supply is not forcing itself out in restricted gasping intakes of breath.
Dad, it hurts. So much.
But thank You nonetheless.

DARLING. Whats the matter? ): I miss you. ): Keep your chin up, baby. Hope to hear from you soon? *HUUUUUUUGGGGGGSSSSSSS*
hi hun, aw thanks for still reading this space! :) im gna email you right now ok? <3 love you.
COME HOME SOON!! hahah (:
td jakes says after the correction/recession/painful stuff we go thru, it's a better day (: so you JUST GOTA HANG ON!! <3
daph: :) love u. <3
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