Monday, February 25, 2008

Hacker posts up a post

Dear Miss Koh Su Mei,

First of all, congratulations because YOU'VE BEEN HACKED!!! *evil laugher*

I didn't post a post yesterday because I didn't feel like posting up any posts as I wasn't in the mood to post. So now I'm in the mood to post so I'm here in your account typing a post for you to post it up in your blog so that others would read your post. I have nothing to say in this post except that I'm currently enjoying typing so many "posts" in this post because I've never typed this many "posts" in any of my posts before so I guess this is the first post with so many "posts" in it although this post is not going to be up in any of my own blog post.

Phew! That was fun :P

Stay tuned, more to come!




Friday, February 15, 2008

The original

i gave my all for you
now my heart's in two

its been almost a week ive been here. happy to say i am surviving. :) there's something about leaving home that really makes you appreciate the little things we tend to take for granted. im so glad i have my sister and cousin.

i really miss home, but everytime im feeling homesick, i take out the letters from home and read them till i feel better. its not much, but it tides me over. Honestly i already feel forgotten, i feel like people are already moving on with their lives in which i am no longer involved in. Although its a strangely empty and sad feeling, i wouldn't want people to dwell on something too long either. i just want to know that my friends and family are happy. in which case im pretty sure they all are :)

ill keep this one short, and i still have alot of things to update on. i dont even know if people even read my blog anymore, haha. lets hope :) <3

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The silent killer

i waited for a sign, a voice
just, something.
i think we need new hand gestures to pose with.

it's a combination for disaster :)

Monday, February 4, 2008

you can't stop the beat

lets spend tonight on top of the world
we can do anything, we can be anything

the other day i recall my sister asking us "if you could have any power you want, what would it be?"
mum said she wanted the power to fly. 100 years from now i hope someone finds a way to defy gravity.
sis said she wanted the power to read minds and manipulate thoughts. we're all paranoid at some point in our lives. most.
i, the lame-o one, said i wanted the power to be invisible. maybe i secretly wanted to be jessica alba, and not acquire her ability. i dont knowla.

but that really got me thinking, if i truly could have a power, what would it be?

id want the power to be someone else, whoever i want, and for as long as i want. without damaging the delicate ecosystem.

Because then maybe id get inside Britney Spear's head and realize that the whole hair-shaving thing was because hair, as we all know, is truly overated.
Because then maybe id get a taste of what it would be like to be the other half of Bradgelina. :D the female half, of course.
Because maybe id get to see what happens when Oprah(me)gives crappy advice on national television.

and most of all, simply because every now and then, i just dont really want to be me.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

miss me when im gone

start a new fashion
wear your heart on your sleeve

sometimes, i can't help but wonder. do you really care?

that was some bloody long bridge.


Nique & Ieka are coming home. hopefully with some cute guy in tow. :) ive missed them so. <3

the truth?

im scared of change.