Monday, April 27, 2009

chili cheesecake by the cheese shop

curbside prophet

things that make me happy
hunger satisfied, food basically, but no greens ew
a hot dog!
a really really good praise and worship session
retail therapy
snuggled under my warm quilt, in my room, wearing comfy pj's while it's pouring outside
listening to rain (that's from mother nature, not the korean popstar)
listening to my sister cook
hearing my parent's voice
being silly with friends, laughing uncontrollably
emails, letters, notes, cards, post-its
talking to You
time with myself.

sometimes i just need a little reminder of why i shouldn't be complaining when everyday, there are so many little things that make me happy (:

its so cold i think my fingers are turning blue as i type this O_o


ieka zazili said...

hi mei imy!

ksm said...

I MISS YOU TOO! thank God you're back (: