Monday, August 2, 2010

no body's perfect

in the quiet, in the stillness I know,
that you are God

It's only by delving deep enough into the OT that I suddenly realized, scattered throughout history were men & women of incredible faith, yet that didn't exclude them from experiencing anguish, pain & countless other woe-is-me moments.

As i sat cross legged on my bed and pored through the pages of the books, I'm infiltrated by sudden invasions of warmth that travel the length of my body. and then i realize, that i feel a strange sort of kinship with the different people in the bible.

i mean, granted most of them were written in a somewhat more dramatic fashion, but can relate lah you know.

sometimes i toy with the fringes of my imagination and wonder if my dreams were big enough, that they would take flight and soar, the enormity of it too much for my shell to contain. it would unfold in a kaleidoscope of colors and unfurl itself in clouds of smoke.

i'm beginning to enjoy my quiet nights in :)

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