Monday, June 4, 2007

not all good things have a happy ending

life is always suprising me; the road that represents life is filled with different twists and turns and that occasional unexpected pothole that throws you off balance and takes your breath away for a fraction of a moment. but the beauty of life is, we have the ability to get up, and start again.

when you lose your blogging mojo, its hard as crap to gain it back. but i shall try (:

over the weekend i was with family at pangkor(yet again), and the beautiful difference this time was, there were hot guys there! unlike the last time which proved to be a huge dissapointment, when the cutest boys were below the age of 12. and also there was the infamous lala push up guy, and cindy's cute nerdy pool playing guy, yes hot (:

to cut a long story short, we played way too much pool and foosball and even ping pong. i sweated up a storm. we went canoeing and jet skiing, we tanned, we ate and ate and ate like there was no tomorrow. we drooled over hot guys and bryan got too red. everything was screwed up on the last day because of the "lost key", the ticket that wouldnt go in, the closed Lido and the traffic jam. oh what a wonderful trip (:

The Day After

despite the overpowering sensation to sleep in and ditch the outing, i dragged my sorry ass all the way to sunway pyramid. took a cab with meer and zai and met the rest of the guys there, yes all guys, and one girl: me. i swear you could cut the testosterone in the atmosphere with a knife.

i met the twins later to watch shrek 3. i almost regretted making the outing at first because it was pretty boring initially. but things started looking up, and i ended up having a pretty fun day (: the twins are cool people to hang out with, i had fun for that brief moment with the guys and jue and nique, it was almost like old times.

shrek 3 proved to be a slight dissapointment. sure it was gut wrenchingly hilarious, but blades of glory and borat were better :) it was okay basically. then later annie, ever the gentleman, came all the way up to look for us, only to discover that we wanted to walk all the way back down.

annie and i wanted to take a cab back from pyramid, and we decided to go outside to search for one since its usually cheaper. unfortunately our journey through the rain proved to be a huge failure because all the FIVE cabs we flagged down, NONE of them were heading to pj.

tired but not defeated we headed back in and decided to que and wait for the cabs inside. things eventually worked themselves out and we managed to get a cab back home. had nice random chatter on the way back home. annie if youre reading this, and i know you are, thanks :) for the gabizillionth time.

too lazy to post pictures up, ill do it when im not feeling like a sloth.


s.u.l.i.n.g said...


eh i hope u guys got a picture of the pushup lala, and nerdypool guy. please ah, i want to see! haha. usually, cindy's taste in guys is too high for all of us! wow, i want to see which nerd won her heart! haha.

oh and, daddy said he was going to bring the whole family to watch shrek 3 together. looks like we cant do that now :(

dee said...

meeeii! Yes post up the pictures please, I'd like very much to snag on some of your beautiful scenery pics ;)

Ling : Please reply out emails kay you! & I don't think we got a picture of those peoplee. Ah, you weren't there :( Sorry to bring it up x)
