Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The same deep water as you

lost & insecure,
you found me.

Walking amidst a sea of faceless pedestrians, there is a dull thudding at the back of my head. I could paint the features of the strangers around me in my dreams, yet I recognized not one soul. There is a velvet cloak shielding the sun; ominous bank of dark clouds greeted the eye.

There is a boy yielding a gun. Misfit or misunderstood?
There is a kleptomaniac who owns five estates. Living or lacking?
There is an anorexic, there is an obese. There is a beggar, there is an entrepreneur. There is death, there is life.

Could you change something if you had the chance? I'd like to entertain the thought that is, more importantly, would you?

Some people don't change, but i think it's not that they can't, but rather they wont. You could know a person your entire life, & not know them at all. Love is not love if there are conditions.

Yes, I could paint the features of the people around me in my dreams, but not recognize a single soul.

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