Dance dance dance
in the freedom we know.
in the freedom we know.
I must confess that it has been quite a liberating
Revelation! Can't believe it has taken me this long to figure it out. Prayer isn't confined to the words that sluggishly pour out of our mouths the 30 seconds before we drift into peaceful slumber, or the hastened spiel of sentences strung together right before an exam. It's different for every individual, crafted uniquely to fit your lifestyle. It took me awhile, but I reckon I've finally figured out what it is :) Fingers crossed i'll be able to keep it up!
To be honest, it's been a long while since I've felt that feeling of peace once words were penned onto page. I've got a good feeling about this one folks :)
Another (smaller, albeit just as important) revelation, is i think i'm finally able to let go of the image the world is pressing me to be. Because someday I hope you'll realize it too, that you are never going to be able to achieve that. So instead, I'm going to be who I was created to be; beautifully flawed, perfect down to the last love handle and slightly mishapened toe :) I've got convictions, and I stand by them regardless of the social consequences.
Because I've realized that I could be plenty happier if I stopped trying to please everyone and focus on the things I'd much rather devote my time, love & effort to. Hey, that's my prerogative :)
So much exciting things to look forward to come the mid-sem break! Eager anticipation is getting the better of me; hopefully things go as planned & we'll rock those 14 days :)
Okay & EPL has officially robbed me of my msn companions. Sigh, waiting for D to download BBT for me so I can have my own version of an EPL marathon. Endless gratification I can tell you now.
On a side note:
Dear N, hope your stay in Canada will be plenty eventful & exciting! :) just remember not to drink something if you've don't know where its been okay. Always a handy tip. I miss you already, can't wait till we next crash your pad and have you bring us around the great white north :) xx
&& also, I've got family nostalgia. ):
Thank you honey. :) I'm counting the days till you come up here. Rindu so much! Btw, I love this post. I love the perspective, and it sounds like you're doing great. Uber happy for you!
♥ always
im counting (as slowly as i can) too! enjoy yourself okay. love you heaps! x
"So much exciting things to look forward to come the mid-sem break! Eager anticipation is getting the better of me; hopefully things go as planned & we'll rock those 14 days :)"
I hope you're talking about my arrival. :)
hang: HAHA of course! amongst other things :) <3
O.O homgosh!
Beautifully put, dear. Couldn't have written it better myself. :)
dee: haha, nice what!
zhen: thank you my dear! :) x
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